Structural Design And Drawing Reinforced Concrete And Steel
Difference between Reinforced Concrete & Steel Framed Structure
Ravin Desai is Co-Founder of and Director of SDCPL. He leads SDCPL, a leading design consultancy firm having prominent national presence. He has a Master's degree in Civil Engineering (MS-USA) and has diverse experience of 12 years in multiple disciplines. He is the core member of Editorial team at GharPedia. He is also co-founder of, the first-in-Industry software for contractors' billing.
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Reinforced concrete and Steel Frame Structure structural system has the same load transfer method but the difference is in the material from which its members are made i.e. In RCC Frame, the material used is Concrete while in Steel Frame, the material used is Steel.

Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Basically material used for taking load is Reinforced Cement Concrete.
- Basically material used for taking load is Steel.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- In reinforced concrete framed structure, the cross Section areas of structural elements are large.
- In Steel framed structure, the Cross Section areas of structural elements are small.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Reinforced concrete framed structure is less resistant to Earthquake and Wind.
- Steel framed structure is more resistant to Earthquake and Wind.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- In reinforced cement concrete framed structure, the tensile strength of RCC structural elements is less as compared to Steel structural elements.
- In Steel framed structure, the tensile strength of Steel structural elements is more as compared to RCC structural elements.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Reinforced concrete framed structure is more labor intensive.
- Steel framed structure is less labour intensive and much work can be done in workshop.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Speed of construction is less.
- Speed of construction is more.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Reinforced concrete framed structure is less prone to corrosion, but if concrete is not properly done, it is equally prone to corrosion and not only that repairs are also very costly, sometimes more than original cost.
- Steel framed structure is prone to corrosion.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Cost of repair is more and repair are cumbersome.
- Cost of repair is less and repair are comparatively easy.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Technique of construction is not as important while determining life of structure.
- Technique of construction is most important while determining life of structure.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Skilled as well as non skilled workers are needed for its construction.
- Only Skilled worker are needed for its construction.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Construction is simple.
- Construction is cumbersome.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Weight of structural elements is more.
- Weight of structural elements is less.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Reinforced concrete framed structure is fire resistant.
- Steel framed structure is not fire resistant.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Concreting needs care while constructing.
- Joint needs care while constructing.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Quality control is difficult.
- Better quality control.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- Economical where form work and labor are easily available.
- Costly form of construction.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- It is brittle as compared to steel structure. Hence, failure is sudden and hazardous.
- It is ductile. Hence, failure is not sudden.
Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure
- In reinforced concrete framed structure, the cross section of elements are square, rectangle, circular, L shaped, T shaped etc.
- In steel framed structure, the Cross section of elements are I shaped, L shaped, C shaped, T shaped etc.
Structural Design And Drawing Reinforced Concrete And Steel
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